9 Ways BEST MOVING COMPANIES Can Make You Invincible

Moving your workplace or data center is far more complex and challenging than moving your residence. Simply because mission critical information reaches risk during each point of the move, which opens the entranceway to data breaches inside your company. If an office move isn’t handled appropriately, your organization could face overwhelming consequences.

Make sure you work with a professional office moving company that is compliant with all federal and state records management laws. These businesses can help you move your office using secure procedures, and limit the risks and liabilities of a data breach. Even with the assistance of these professional office movers, there are still steps you must take to protect your sensitive data and your business before the move.

Select a Project Manager
Assigning a team member to oversee the entire move is crucial throughout your office relocation. commercial movers in dallas tx experienced and knowledgeable person can help with the pre-planning process, coordinate with the office mover, and manage any relocation issues that might arise.

Eliminate Obsolete Technology and Office Items
Avoid moving old technology, equipment, and business furniture you don’t use to the new location. Go through your workplace and locate unwanted networking equipment, computers, printers, phones, furniture, and copiers that may be destroyed or donated. Your office moving company may have a disposal service that can remove and dispose of the items for you.

Use a Secure Chain of Custody
Your confidential business, customer, vendor, and employee data should be moved safely and smartly aswell. A secure chain of custody means that all paper documents and files in your workplace are relocated without the risks of a data breach.

A specialist office moving company will use industry-leading chain of custody protocols through the entire relocation, while still making your move as efficient as you possibly can. These procedures include moving your records with gondolas which are wrapped in plastic with security seals, and giving the authority to slice the seal to only one person.

Store Old Records Wisely
Old records are at risky for data breaches because companies rarely put as much focus on protecting outdated or unwanted records. However, any record that contains customer data or company information puts your business at significant risk. Your very best option is to work with an office moving company that also owns a secure records storage facility. You’ll save well on moving costs and space at the new location, and you can lessen your risk for data breaches in the process.

Hire the proper Office Mover
There’s a big difference between utilizing an experienced office moving company and a regular mover that doesn’t focus on commercial relocation. You need to hire a professional office mover with data and records management expertise to secure your digital and paper files during the move.

A professional office mover can make the relocation process as seamless as possible, which means your company will be back up and running quickly after the move. Some things to look before you hire an office moving company include:

? Records management experience
? Records storage and destruction capabilities
? Secure chain of custody moving procedures
? Specialized pallets and materials that move IT and office equipment safely and securely
? Managed moving services and reconnect assist with help you setup at the new location
? Employees who’ve undergone extensive background checks and are been trained in the intricacies of office relocations and records moving
? Compliance with all federal and state regulations, including HIPAA

If your organization is planning an office move, you almost certainly already understand the complexity of the procedure and the significance of putting your sensitive data in the hands of a mover you can trust. You only desire to work with a reputable office moving company that uses guidelines and cutting-edge equipment.